Karen McWhorter
Advisory Committee


Karen McWhorter, LMSW-IPR is a Licensed Master Social Worker-Independent Practice Recognition who has a heart for fund and program development. She began working with individuals of differing abilities during her undergraduate years at Baylor University, where she earned a BA in Psychology. After working for a decade with Child Protective Services and beginning her family, Karen went back to complete a Master’s degree in Social Work (MSW) at the University of Houston Graduate School of Social Work. Karen has worked in various leadership capacities over the last 30 years to support safe, stable, loving families for children. Karen has expertise in mental health, substance abuse, prevention, k-12 education, Medicaid Waiver programs and pediatric rehab clinics, adoption and foster care, social support, and non-profit management and fundraising.

Karen is Mom to three adult daughters and Memaw to one granddaughter. She became involved with the Christina Sullivan Foundation after her best friend’s daughter began participating in adaptive tennis and other Camp PossAbilities activities. After hearing more about the Foundation’s plan for the Christina Sullivan Foundation Sports Center and Research Institute, she pledged her support to research and write grants and dove in to help with fundraising and organizational development tasks. Karen views the world through a systems lens and uses a positive, strengths-based approach in all she does. In her spare time, Karen enjoys exploring the beautiful world God has given us through hiking and camping, streaming movies and series while she crochets, and reading. Her response to stressful situations is, “Where’s the chocolate?